For too long the Church has been preaching a limited gospel message that is leaving too many people forgiven but not free, justified but not transformed, saved but not sanctified. The gospel message is so much more than "confess and be saved." That is only the first work of grace – there is a second work of grace that we must reclaim as we share the gospel message.
The gospel is the good news that we can not only be forgiven of our sin, but that we can be set free from it.
An event for the whole family!
Adults: Enjoy 2 main sessions, 2 breakout sessions, and lunch for $20
Teens: Engage in a service project for youth in grade 6 - 12th for free.
Children: Childcare will be provided for children under the age of 12 for $10
Breakout Sessions:
Ministry Safe/Background Check
Emily Holland
Church Kitchen Discipleship
Gordon Wong & DeAndre Jones
Living a life of Worship
Amanda Graley
Being People of Holiness in a Pagan Culture
Brian Graley
Youth Leader Discussion Panel
Brian Graley, Bruce Ashton, Ryan Holland
Exploring the Power of God unto Salvation
Steve Rodeheaver
Mastering Live-Streaming Basics
Trevor Matus
Estableciendo una Visión para el Evangelismo y el Discipulado (Establishing a Vision for Evangelism & Discipleship)
Diego Forero
NMI Finance
Jen Williams